Monday, December 05, 2005


Morning all,
From across the mighty, mighty Pacific I greet you one and all.
I am grinning like a tool.
Two reasons - The Pixies and Snow.
Thats right.

Grinny Reason #1:

The Pixies.
We went and saw them last night at a 10th floor 500 person club in downtown Hiroshima. The place was tiny, the Cosmic Wheels have played bigger clubs for gods sake (especially when I was managing them so expertly).
Nic said not only did she have tears in her eyes when it all kicked off, but that it was even better than the Jimmy Barnes concert at the Palmerston North Rainbow Stadium!!
(I kept trying to get this across to the band by yelling "Jimmy Barnes bad! Pixies good!" but got threatened by the Hiroshima Australian Consulate Representative for "defacing a national icon". Go figure.)
But those Pixies eh? It was about the Rock n' Rolly-est show I have ever been to. There was rock and there was roll by the bloody handful. Go on they said, fill yer boots up.
And we did.
Some observations-
- Francis is a very very big man who can growl with the best of them. He also has a lovely smile.
- Kim was smoking heaps of cigarettes and I thought that she was cool...She also smiles ALOT. And she has an odd glazed look in her eye...ALOT.
- Joey (also known as "the other guitar playing guy") looks nervous and dare I say it..."shifty". But it would seem that he can play a guitar like he is ringing a bell.
- Drummer guy, like all drummer guys, just looked sort of manic. He also bashed hell out of the "skins".
It was, as they say, "Bitchin'"
Crikey it was good.
As I said, the club was teeny tiny (a third, MAYBE the size of the Kings Arms??) and we were in the second row. We could have reached out and touched Francis' prodigious belly if that wasn't so icky.
Interesting way of getting in too...
All of the tickets are individually numbered depending on when you bought them after they went on sale. Nic and I were the 118th and 119th people to buy tickets. As such we had the 118th and 119th places in line. Thats right. In line. The club is on the 10th floor of a department store (?) (which means that after the show is over and you sweatily, stinkingly, grinningly, deleriously stroll out of the club and down the stairs, you are greeted by a wave of Japanese late night shoppers, the harsh glow of flourescent lighting, and christmas carol "Muzak" as you walk passed stores called "Happy Shine" and "Go-Go Fine Land")
Anyway - the line...
So. 10th floor. Everyone has to line up going down the emergency exit stairs, in ticket number order and that is the order you are allowed in. Sort of weird, but sort of good, but mostly weird.
So yeah. The Pixies. Tick that off the list. You guys have really got to go. They were ace.
Grinny Reason #2:
So we got home last night and it was cold, but not cold, cold. And we wandered off to beddie-bies. We tried to engage each other in polite conversation, but our ear drums seemed to have been turned into some sort of hideous paste by Mr. Frank Black.
Anywhoo. Wake up this morning, do my same rant about the distinct lack of insulation in Japanese houses, whip open the curtians and....(excuse the crap photo from my crap phone)
Thats right. 10-12 cms of snow overnight. Woohoo!! I freaking LOVE it when it snows. There's that crazy snowy old light, everything is a little muffled (might just be permanent hearing loss - see above post re: bitchin' Pixies concert), the snow squeaks under your feet. Yeah. Snow totally rules.
Thats our car covered with snow.
Mmmm. Snow.
As if that wasn't enough, we had a phone call last night from none other than Jarrod B. Ward Esq. all the way from sunny Kansas city.
He sounds very, very well indeed and that, amongst other things, warms the cockles of my heart.
I wish it would warm my toes though.
Turns out my shoes aren't what would be termed "waterproof" and seeing as I left home extra early this morning to turn my 10 minute walk to work into a 40 minute frolick in the snow, I now have icy cold toes. I may dip them in filter coffee. Hmmm.
So there you go people. I am one happy little camper. Things are super well, and we are looking forward to winging our way to the UK for Xmas in 3 or so short weeks.
Be well all.
Lots of love,
Berin and Nic.

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