Friday, November 11, 2005

...and he lived to tell the tale...

morning all,
no posts recently. busy don't you know.


last night we went out for work drinks. yum. we went to a restaurant that specializes in fugu - thats right, the deadly, deadly, deadly-puffer-fish. actually its safe as to eat deadly-puffer-fish, anyone who prepares it at a deadly-puffer-fish restaurant has to have a deadly-puffer-fish licence and blah blah blah, but still, to say you've eaten the deadly-puffer-fish fugu ahhhh. now thats a story.

it was yum. chewy. deadly. but yum.

the lowlight of the evening was realizing the bit of deadly-puffer-fish I had been served from the bubbling deadly-puffer-fish stew was in fact the mouth of the deadly-puffer-fish, just plain hacked off the rest of the deadly-puffer-fish. not alot of meat around those deadly-puffer-fish teeth.

the highlight of the evening however was deadly-puffer-fish-fin-sake. yep.

heres a crap picture from the crap camera on my crap phone.

basically you get the fin from the deadly-puffer-fish and you grill it all to hell, and then you drop it in a cup and pour scalding hot sake all over it, put a lid on the cup, wait a couple of minutes, then whip the lid off , light the fumes, and THEN drink it.

then as your vital organs start succumbing to the deadly-puffer-fish poison coursing through your veins (or as in my case you bemoan the bereftness of fine cured meats in Japan to your boss' boss) the cup is filled and refilled time and again by kimono-clad ladies-in-waiting.

as is your beer glass....

and your wine glass....

i feel terrible.

oh please god, make it stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember kids,
Berin says
"People who program blogger bots will roast in the fiery pits of hell for all of eternity...have a nice day"