Friday, March 03, 2006


A phone call came through to the office the other day, and as I fumbled for the phone, it was answered by someone else. Her cheery salutations were cut short and a fairly "furrowed" expression appeared on her brow. She explained calmly and politely that unfortunately the section chief wasn't here and no, neither was the chairperson. She continued to do this several times. Following the conversation she described it as going a little something like this:

Her: "Hello, Pla...."
Caller: "Gimme the Section Chief"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here..."
Caller: "Gimme the Section Chief"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here..."
Caller: "Gimme the Section Chief"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here..."
Caller: Gimme the Section Chief"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here..."
Caller: "Gimme the #$%'% Section Chief"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here..."
Caller: Gimme the #$%'% Section Chief"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here..."
Caller "Alright, Gimme the #$%'% Chairperson"
Her: "Sorry, he's not here"

This went on for a while.
When she had hung up I asked her who it had been.
Calm as a summer breeze she looked up and replied:

"Oh. An extortionist."

Turns out they get about 3 or 4 calls a year.


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