Monday, April 25, 2005


I had a smoked egg on the weekend. And it was bloody good. I've never really heard of smoked eggs before, basically a hard boiled egg...smoked. With rosemary. And curiously enough, cabbage. It was exceptionally good.


It was from a shop here in the city that has been opened by a village up in the hills that, it seems, has branded itself and is working on an "organic-y-back-to-nature-y" angle to stop its aging farmer folk from falling prey to the big kids. It is actually a very exciting development.

They've got fruit, veges, eggs, meat, milk - the whole shooting match. And its fresh. And they smoke eggs. Yum!

We have good old Golden Week coming up next week - for the uninitiated it is a bunch of public holidays all lumped together just for the hell of it. And its grand. Right there at the start of summer. Fun. Four day week this week, then a one day week next week. Thats right. Just the one day at work for me next week. Still, Nic wins, shes on holiday from Thursday until, seemingly forever. (Actually only a week and a half - but thats still pretty good folks). There are some tentative plans for day trips hither and yon. We'll let you know. If your free you should come along.

In other news, I have been reprimanded on several occasions for not acknowledging Nics birthday on this here blog.


It was Nics (30th) birthday a while back. Her frankly amazing husband bought her a veritable swag bag of goodies and much fun was had. In fact, as it was only 2 days after the wedding anniversary (planning?) it sort of all folded, blended, meshed even, into a week long experiment in overindulgence. Initial reports indicate it was a complete success.

Thats it. Bugger off.



Anonymous said...

Morg here - the Church down the road from us has a sign out front declaring 'How to reduce porn in your neighbourhood'. We thought that perhaps they could give it all to Olly, as he lives in a different neighbourhood entirely.

annabel said...

berin, would you make a pork and bens cake and write abou tit on your blog? please? here is the recipe.

thank you :-)

annabel said...

i mean beans. pork and beans.

i also wrote the word tit by accident. which is funnier than it should be.

Anonymous said...

oh i can write about tit. oh yes i can. mmmm.