Tuesday, February 15, 2005

it's my party...

...just wandering around the internet a little and quite how I stumbled upon it never you mind BUT...
As it happens, my birthday, heretofore memorable (apart from me of course) only for it being Womas Sufferage Day in NZ (an important milestone to be sure and one of which we should be proud but a little naff to share a birthday with)...

...is also...


...International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!...(yaaaaaaar Cap'n, a moity feast will he had, yarr).

Thats cool. Thats really cool.

It is also all I have to say.


(me hearties)



Arch said...

Jibbens! Tis a black day when an old salt like me'self nebber nyew such a bawdy day crossed the calendar, arrr...

Oi thought ye 'ad crossed the horizon, but it be well time I see your parchment pollutin' the great seas of the Interweb again.

Arrrr, e arr,

Richard d'Wheelsbeard.

PS: Not 100% into the 'Wheelsbeard' as a name; comments or suggestions would be cheerily welcomed.

Anonymous said...

Oooaaarrr, oi think it be fittin' fur a knave such as yeself, oooo's 'airiness knows no bounds, apart o'course from the barren, barren wasteland north o ye nose. Oi carn't imagin' wot bird you must 'ave coised to an oily grave to be burdened boi such a malaise. Oh woe is you, Oh woe is you

Anonymous said...

having read that, is it possible that my (or indeed ALL) pirates are all simply welshmen?

yarr cymru...