Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Grand news from his side of the mighty, mighty Pacific. As it transpires I have secured a job as a Coordinator for International Relations in the City Hall of a sunny city by the name of Hatsukaichi, just 20 short minutes train ride away from Hiroshima. Looking to start in early-mid August and very excited about it we are. A move, new faces, new places, a new apartment (fingers crossed for water pressure) and all that goes with a stroll to a new locale.
My thanks to those whose thoughts have gone out in the seemingly endless waiting-to-hear-so-for-gods-sake-don`t-bloody-well-ask-me-again time since the interview back in Feb/March.
OOOOOOOOOooooooh very, very excited. (and a shade nervous). Will let you know more when we do.
Berin and Nic.

PS - Feel free to leave comments on the page...cheaper than a letter! shorter than an e-mail! Perfect for my lazy, lazy, lazy friends.

PPS - Jon and Melody - Looking forward to seeing you real soon.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr Berin, or as they say in that fine part of the world kongurachure-shonzu or perhaps banzai or banjou or shuugi or gashi (sheez they must slap each other on the back a lot). Hope it all goes splendidly :)

Woop woop


Anonymous said...

Who the heck reads this stupid blog anyway?