Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Testing times....

Well, they were. Sunday saw us up bright and early for the hour and a half drive into Nagoya to sit the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Arch had strolled up for the weekend to come along, and with Nic sitting Level 4, Arch sitting Level 3 and me sitting Level 2, all we needed was a Japanese national to take Level 1 - for that is about what you need to be.

It was pretty tough.

Moving along.

First snow on the hills around town on Monday...Brrrrr. Local legend has it that when snow falls 3 times in a row on the hills, the fourth time will bring snow to ground level. Yaaaay snowboarding. Boooo riding to work. Still, we have but 11 days until we wing our way to NZ, so less of the complaining, more of the dreaming of free, easy and unabashed access to pies. Mmmmmmmm pies.

Tom and Kerryn are coming through on the weekend for an Xmas roast - looking forward to it immensely.
Hope all is well.
Have some fun out there.
Lots of Love - B and N.

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